Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lecture Summary # 3

  • "Virtual communities: When people carry on discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling to form webs of personal relationships. " H Rheingold (1993).
  • Ppl can experiment with being someone different to who they are now. When the internet first started to become popular it mainly consisted of text, people communicated through online "chatrooms." Turkle (1995) explained that virtual communities allow ppl to express themselves in a particular light that they find desirable.
  • Initially virtual communities allowed ppl to meet ppl from other geographic locations that share similar interests. Now it is more ego-centred, a shift that saw the "self" as the focus of networking.
  • The World Wide Web (Web 2.0): In 1993 the www was first introduced to the world.... in 1995 Australia first came to know about the www.
  • Web 2.0 created a new way we think about and use the www. It introduced
  1. Tags
  2. The start of words being written in new and innovative ways i.e., flickr
  3. User generated content: photos, images, videos, text. Henry Jenkins (2006) noted this shift as the "participatory culture."
  4. Open API: meaning, sharing data openly between services on the internet i.e., facebook applications
  • Social media:
  1. Web blogs: vlogs, twitter, moblogs
  2. Social network services: facebook, myspace
  3. Content sharing communities: flickr,, youtube, photobucket

The creation of this saw individuals feeling the need to join such sites to feel a sense of belonging as stars around the world conform.

  • Attention economy: refers to the advertising sites like facebook use.
  • Economy of accumulation: refers to how sites like facebook can use the information you give them and sell it for marketing. (Ppl agree to this right when they sign up to facebook).
  • The lecture today raised the question "Are we consumers or creaters?" I believe the internet today allows us to be creators IF WE CHOOSE TO BE.

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